Project hero image
Global Project


The project aims to contribute to SDG #4 by generating activities & knowledge needed to live in natural conditions like mathematics, intercultural communication, and teamwork, also by including creative & effective learning styles like storytelling, playing games, etc. Additionally, the project is aiming to teach participants about how to minimize the usage of technologies to connect with nature through becoming characters, for example, from mythology or legends, learning bushcraft & learning how to use what Mother Nature has given to us.
6 weeks
SDG contribution
Every project we run focuses on a target to help meet the Global Goals.
SDG goal image
Quality Education - Target 4.1
By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes
About the job and the activities you will be doing.
Global Volunteers will contribute to participants' development by teaching them how to work in a team, how to navigate in nature using mathematical knowledge & having an understanding of sources that surround them in nature, how to communicate in a team & how on a daily base use English. Additionally, a role is for open-minded people with good communication, creativity & storytelling skills who enjoy being in nature as well as with the willingness to work with young people and peers and to be able to take a lead but also be ready to follow instructions.

Project Activities

Week 1
Arrival, introduction to the team and integration with other volunteers.
Incoming Preparation Seminar.
Onboarding space with partner to get to know the volunteers routines and lifestyles.
Introduction to materials and detailed explanation of the order of work.
Training to gain necessary skills (showing around the camp, preparing spaces for participants, making sure everything is ready before the arrival etc).
Leaving comfort zone of living in the city - connecting with the nature.
Week 2
Assisting our instructors with general maintenance of the camp (anything needed to be comfortable to live in the camp & function well).
Getting to know each other & breaking the language barrier.
Assisting, helping and taking care about safety of beneficiaries at the camp (making sure kids are under control all the time, keeping an eye on them & shifting with each other to take care of them).
Training how to be a leader & what is leadership in practice (coming back to wild life).
The themes for the 1st week is Bushcraft and Survival: teaching kids about survival & outdoor skills.
Teaching participants how to be deductive, investigative, logical & creative in the nature.
Week 3
Opening the creativity in beneficiaries through different developing activities.
Continuing main activities from the 2nd week like supervising beneficiaries in the camp & helping in the camp.
Teaching about & implementing mathematics in the nature (dimensions, proportions, navigation, measurements, calculations etc). Showing that mathematics is all around us.
Building awareness of surrounding world and impact of technology.
Learning, teaching about & playing methodological (slavic) characters with the beneficiaries to activate creativity, teamwork, public speaking etc.
Creating a storytelling experience - first steps to good public speaking.
Helping beneficiaries to play roles of different characters of novels or popular culture heroes, for example Robin Hood).
Week 4
Opening the creativity in beneficiaries through different developing activities.
Continuing main activities from the 2nd week like supervising beneficiaries in the camp & helping in the camp.
Teaching about & implementing mathematics in the nature (dimensions, proportions, navigation, measurements, calculations etc). Showing that mathematics is all around us.
Building awareness of surrounding world and impact of technology.
Creating a storytelling experience - first steps to good public speaking.
Helping beneficiaries to play roles of different characters of novels or popular culture heroes, for example Robin Hood).
Learning, teaching about & playing methodological (slavic) characters with the beneficiaries to activate creativity, teamwork, public speaking etc.
Week 5
Continuing main activities from the 2nd week like supervising beneficiaries in the camp & helping in the camp.
Teaching about & implementing mathematics in the nature (dimensions, proportions, navigation, measurements, calculations etc). Showing that mathematics is all around us.
Building awareness of surrounding world and impact of technology.
Creating a storytelling experience - first steps to good public speaking.
Helping beneficiaries to play roles of different characters of novels or popular culture heroes, for example Robin Hood).
Learning, teaching about & playing methodological (slavic) characters with the beneficiaries to activate creativity, teamwork, public speaking etc.
Opening the creativity in beneficiaries through different developing activities.
Week 6
Last week is for the eldest participants: the biggest emphasize is on English. Communication with between volunteers & participants on the closer level, getting to know the culture of each other deeper etc.
Keep going & finishing with the main project tasks & responsibilities.
Analysing data to determinate outcome results.
Summarizing during the meeting what beneficiaries have learn.
Personal reflection on how living in the nature have changed volunteers.
Meeting with AIESECers to understand how the experience was for them.
Week 7
Week 8

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