Global Project
The project aims to contribute to SDG #4 by generating activities & knowledge needed to live in natural conditions like mathematics, intercultural communication, and teamwork, also by including creative & effective learning styles like storytelling, playing games, etc. Additionally, the project is aiming to teach participants about how to minimize the usage of technologies to connect with nature through becoming characters, for example, from mythology or legends, learning bushcraft & learning how to use what Mother Nature has given to us.
6 weeks
SDG contribution
Every project we run focuses on a target to help meet the Global Goals.

Quality Education - Target 4.1
By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes
About the job and the activities you will be doing.
Global Volunteers will contribute to participants' development by teaching them how to work in a team, how to navigate in nature using mathematical knowledge & having an understanding of sources that surround them in nature, how to communicate in a team & how on a daily base use English. Additionally, a role is for open-minded people with good communication, creativity & storytelling skills who enjoy being in nature as well as with the willingness to work with young people and peers and to be able to take a lead but also be ready to follow instructions.
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