Get started with 4 steps
It takes only 4 steps to help you find teachers for your project or organization.
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Publish a job opportunity
Get free access to our platform and browse our international talent pool. Posting job offerings are easy and don’t cost you anything, you only pay once you accept a candidate for your opportunity.
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Shortlist & Select
Shortlist your applicants and contact suitable candidates for an interview through your dashboard. Bring your co-workers onboard and select the ideal candidate for your organization.
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Visa and logistics
AIESEC will facilitate the visa process, prepare the intern for the intercultural experience and take care of all needed logistics before and after arrival.
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Intern’s support and development
Together, we will provide spaces for your intern to reflect on their learnings and their personal development journey. Our goal is to contribute to their development whilst contributing to your team’s growth.

Our premium partners from across the world