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Global Project

Eat 4 Change

The volunteering project is part of a larger EU co-funded, WWF-led international project, also called Eat4Change, which strives to engage citizens, particularly youth, to take an active role in society and change their diets towards more plant-based for the wellbeing of people and the planet. The volunteering projects in schools have the same goal: to bring awareness to high-school students about the importance and impact of their diets on the environment and to engage them to take action towards a more “planet-based” diet.
6 weeks
SDG contribution
Every project we run focuses on a target to help meet the Global Goals.
SDG goal image
Responsible Consumption And Production - Target 12.8
By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
About the job and the activities you will be doing.
Global Volunteers will be prepared on the topic of sustainable diets and facilitation of the content with the use of various materials developed by WWF. Based on that, they will work with high-school students to bring them awareness about the issue and to help them take action in an organized, collective way by facilitating creative group work.

Project Activities

Week 1
Understanding the framework of the project.
Getting to know the other volunteers through various activities.
Working on delivery skills for the workshop.
Learning and understanding the curriculum for the project, using various WWF studies and the Educators manual developed for the Eat4Change project.
Working on the lessons plan for the schools, according to the Educators manual that can be found in the resources .
Week 2
Getting to know your audience, their current knowlledge on the subject and needs they have in regards to that through different games and non-formal activities, such as surveys.
Developing and delivering further workshops based on the findings about the high school students, considering their level of awareness and eagerness to learn more about the topic.
Starting to get high-school students to start thinking about future actions they could take to tackle the researched issues, by briefly presenting them the goal of the upcoming classes they will spend together.
Delivering an initial workshop to all the classes involved.
Week 3
Understanding facts and numbers related to food production and consumption around the world and the specific countries.
Developing and delivering workshops based on the research on food production and consumption.
Delivering a second workshop to all the classed involved.
Week 4
Starting to mobilize the class for sustainable diets- working with high-school students to discover the issues they have in terms of sustainable diets and starting to think of ways to tackle them (maybe start already putting them in teams), through various non-formal education activities, such as videos, discussions in group.
Developing and delivering workshops to mobilize the pupils to take action.
Delivering a third workshop to all the classed involved.
Week 5
Grouping the high-school students together and supporting them to come up with a mini-project to implement for themselves and/or for another audience through various activities described in the Educators manual.
Developing and facilitating the process of coming up with the mini-project.
Supporting during classes but also outside classes with the delivery of the mini-project, such as through constant communication with the high-school students and presence of the volunteers when the action projects take place.
Delivering the final workshop to all the classes involved.
Week 6
Finalizing the experience by giving feedback to the organizing team, to the other volunteers and receiving feedback to improve themselves, possibly from the pupils themselves.
Collecting the useful data from throughout the project by looking at the number of pupils who attended the workshops, the action projects they came up with and the impact the overall project had on the pupils and overall in the community the project takes place.
Building final project report and presenting it to AIESEC.
Presenting the results of the campaign to project beneficiaries.

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