Project hero image
Global Project

Skill Up!

The project aims to impact SDG #8 by providing young people with soft and hard skills trainings, needed to qualify for a decent job, and career guidance.
6 weeks
SDG contribution
Every project we run focuses on a target to help meet the Global Goals.
SDG goal image
Decent Work And Economic Growth - Target 8.6
By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
About the job and the activities you will be doing.
Global Volunteers will collaborate with formal and technical schools to create and conduct soft and hard skills trainings as well as providing career guidance for local youth and building up entrepreneurship skills.

Project Activities

  • Week 1
    Onboarding space with partner representative to understand the context and urgent needs of the youth.
    Determine measure of outcome system and material to be use
    With the help of the partner or teacher, create an assessment to evaluate beneficiaries soft and hard skills
    Create and prepare material for the sessions, dynamics and workshops of the following weeks.
    Analyse country issues regarding youth employability and job-hunting related topics in the country.
  • Week 2
    Coordinate sessions with individual participants to identify what skills they want to develop. Set up a PDP with them.
    Introductory session with the beneficiaries, presentation of the volunteers and project objectives.
    Assessment of their current hard and soft skills: where can they improve?
    Mentorship/buddy program based on what soft skills participants want to develop.
  • Week 3
    Continue with buddy and coaching dynamics.
    Activity: introspection space for participants to realize their own strengths and weaknesses and identify what soft skills they have and what can they improve.
    Soft skill workshops based on demands and needs of participants.
    Development spaces (games, dynamics, role play, roundtables, etc) about soft skills development: solution oriented, world citizen, empowering others, self awareness
  • Week 4
    Activity: introduce the beneficiaries to professionals from different work fields, so that youth can learn more about the diversity of job opportunities and their needed hard skills
    Practical workshops for hard skills that are needed in the 21st century (working digitally, microsoft packages etc.)
    Practical workshops for hard skills that are in high demand in the society (such as programming, entrepreneurship, UX Design, etc)
    Practical workshops for hard skills that fit with the ambitions and talents of participants.
    Continue with buddy and coaching dynamics.
  • Week 5
    Workshop: Application procedures. How to create a CV, write motivation letter and do an interview?
    Ensure that beneficiaries participation of local online and physical job fairs.
    Workshop: Self Branding. How to "sell" yourself?
    Working time: generate a space where participants without easy access to internet can apply for jobs
    Practice: Let participants do mock application procedures and give them feedback on the output
  • Week 6
    Build final project report and present to AIESEC members and NGO/non-profit representatives.
    Collect data from project beneficiaries (you can use surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.)
    Analyse data to determinate outcome results.
  • Week 7
  • Week 8

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Henkel AG & Co. KGaA logo
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Electrolux Professional Group logo
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. logo