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Global Project


The project aims to impact SDG #14 by providing communities that live near marine and coastal areas, with concrete activities to improve the sustainability of the coast and protect marine wildlife that inhabit these ecosystems.
6 weeks
SDG contribution
Every project we run focuses on a target to help meet the Global Goals.
SDG goal image
Life Below Water - Target 14.1
By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
About the job and the activities you will be doing.
Global Volunteers will carry out educational spaces and fieldwork activities to prevent and stop marine and coastal ecosystems pollution. Volunteer will also be responsible for planning and executing an outreach campaigns to engage community members on the protection of marine ecosystems.

Project Activities

Week 1
Onboarding space with NGO representative to understand the context and urgent needs of the area regarding marine pollution
Getting knowledge about SDG 14, marine and coastlines ecosystems of the area and the issues that this ecosystems is facing.
Fieldwork: Visit the coastlines/beaches of the area, identify main point of pollution and contaminants. Determinate needed actions to protect the area.
Determine method and material for outcome measurement data gathering.
Week 2
Coordinate the campaign to educate community about marine and coastline protection. Campaign should be run during the following weeks (following the activities proposed here, but also with original ideas from Global Volunteers and stakeholders)
Look and reach out for stakeholders in the community that can contribute to the campaign.
Determine: goals (how many people you want to reach), place and dates for the activities, showcase process, etc.
Plan a social media campaign to generate awareness about the importance of preventing marine pollution, protecting coral reefs and other aquatic habitats.
Ensure that the activity is sustainable and as zero-waste as possible.
Week 3
Workshop idea: Marine ecosystems and why we need to be protected
Workshop idea: The danger of pollution, what plastic do to the ocean.
Workshop idea: Make Space for Nature. Why Biodiversity is Key to Achieving the Global Goals
Workshop idea: How can we help? Protecting our coastlines and marine ecosystems.
Week 4
Practice: Create a "Local Guideline to Save the Ocean".
Practice: Learning easy activities for the preservation of local fauna helping to rescue and rehabilitate marine animals.
Fieldwork: Run a activity aim to protect the marine and coastline ecosystem (protecting corals, monitoring endangered species of the area, etc.) Adapt this activity with the reality of the area and the needs of the institution you are volunteer for.
Week 5
Fieldwork: Run beach cleaning activities (recollect plastic and other reusable objects)
Reuse: Engage community on building sculptures and artwork with recycled plastic waste.
Week 6
Collect data from project beneficiaries (you can use surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.)
Analyze data to determinate outcome results.
Build final project report and presented to AIESEC members and NGO/non-profit representatives.
Week 7
Week 8

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