Global Association of Economics Education

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Founded in 2017, the Global Association of Economics Education (dba GAEE) has grown from a regional network of economics academic clubs into an international association of thirty chapters over ten countries. As an entirely student-led organization, GAEE has shared the same mission with AIESEC in unleashing the power of the youth generation in defining their future, in which economics education, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship incubation are key focuses. As a premium partner of AIESEC, GAEE has benefited from the Global Volunteer and Global Talent programs. AIESEC's involvement in GAEE's recent projects like the GAEE's Southeast Asia Month in 2018 and 2019 enabled aspiring AIESECers to gain hands-on experience working for a global nonprofit, nongovernmental youth organization in the economics education sector while providing GAEE with world-class and energetic human resources for its ambitious projects. About GAEE: The Global Association of Economics Education is a youth-led organization advocating for the proliferation of economics education, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship incubation for students across the world. It is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in Greater Boston (Massachusetts, United States) and associated with the United Nations ECOSOC Civil Society Network as an NGO. Since 2017, GAEE has counted AIESEC, Amazon Smile, Financial Times, Google, Microsoft, TechSoup, United Nations, and VUSTA among its partners and supporters. Its current Executive Director (since 2018) is Mr Le Dong Hai Nguyen. Learn more about GAEE at *In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, no AIESEC opportunities from GAEE are available at the moment. Email for more inquiries.

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