Image: Youth 4 Impact [6 weeks]

Youth 4 Impact [6 weeks]

Colegio Santa Maria De Bellavista·Seville, Spain

Global Volunteer

Volunteer in NGOs, Schools, or Foundations in various Countries/Territories.

English, French, German

These are the locally spoken languages that you’ll have to know.
The project aims to impact SDG #4 by generating awareness and fostering engagement towards the sustainable development goals and global citizen values.
This project contributes to,
Image: Quality Education - Target 4.7

Quality Education - Target 4.7

By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development


Project Activities

Week 1
Onboarding space with partner representatives to understand the current scenario, beneficiaries and discuss about the outcome of the project
Introductory session with the beneficiaries, presentation of the volunteers and project objectives.
Run the initial assessment needed for measuring the outcome/impact of the project
Preparing the activities that will be done in the following weeks and receiving feedback from the partners and AIESEC
Create an implementation plan on how the project should unfold and determine materials to be used
Week 2
Workshop: What are the SDG? Why are they relevant to my country?
Storytelling: Invite a local SDG advocates to share their story with the students
Group discussion: identify the issues related to SDGs in the local community
Dynamic: create vision boards with the beneficiaries to showcase their hopes and aspirations related to SDGs
Workshop: People (SDGs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Week 3
Workshop: Prosperity (7, 8, 9, 10)
Workshop: Planet (SDG: 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
Workshop: Peace (SDG: 16)
Workshop: Partnership (SDG: 17)
Roundtable: Discuss about the things learned about SDGs
Week 4
Workshop: Project Management and Social Impact
Group Challenge: Each group will design a local SDG project/initiative that can easily be implemented at school or in the community. (Example: School SDG podcast, recycling campaign, a community SDG workshop, etc).
Workshop: How to be an advocate in my daily life?
Dynamic: Participants create personal initiatives or commitetment for the SDG to run after project
Build system to track the development of the initiatives that the beneficiaries created
Week 5
Group Challenge: Run the SDG Day at school/youth center/university and encourage the parents and neighborhood to participate in
Prepare the agenda for the event with the help of the students
Prepare fun SDG related activities and challenges with the beneficiaries.
Create material to decorate the classroom/school/youth center
During the SDG Day, student will present the projects and initiatives they created in the past week.
Week 6
Collect data from beneficiaries (you can use surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.)
Analyse data to determinate outcome/impact results (level of awareness of beneficiaries post-project activities).
Build final project report and presented to AIESEC members and NGO/non-profit representatives.
Closing day with beneficiaries
Debrief the impact of the project, how the beneficiaries developed, discuss about what went well and even better if and include this in the report
Week 7
Week 8

Working hours

Monday to Friday

10:00 am - 3:00 pm


The steps involved in being selected for this opportunity.
Estimated process time is not yet available.


What you’ll be provided with during your stay

Benefits of becoming a Global Volunteer

Learn about the Sustainable Development Goals and participate in a social project designed for impact.
International Exposure - Experience new cultures and industries.
Develop your Leadership (our programs can help you develop the following leadership values: striving for excellence, demonstrating integrity, activating leadership, acting sustainably, enjoying participation and living diversity).
Receive AIESEC Support for Selection (assistance with your application to opportunities and decision making process).
Receive AIESEC Support after Selection (Visa support, help in finding and providing accommodation, assisting during first day of work).