Image: Raise Your Voice
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Global Volunteer

Raise Your Voice

Sisters at Law·Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka

Global Project

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Gender Equality - Target 5.1

All volunteer opportunities contribute towards one of the 17Sustainable Development Goals


These are the locally spoken languages that you’ll have to know.
Project Raise Your Voice
The project aims to impact SDG #5 by fostering educational spaces that generate awareness about gender related issues and build initiatives to work on solutions to stop gender inequality in communities around the globe. Project beneficiaries: women/ gender non-conforming support centers
This project contributes to,
Image: Gender Equality - Target 5.1

Gender Equality - Target 5.1

By 2030, End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere


About the job and it’s activities


Working hours

Monday to Friday, - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Project Activities

  • Week 1
    Assist in the day to day activities of the organization.
    Support the smooth functioning of the women's refuge.
    Determine measure of outcome system and material to be use
    Create and preparatory material for the sessions,dynamics and workshops of the following weeks.
    Visit community leaders with different backgrounds to understand their insights on women empowerment and gender equality in the area
    Analyse historical gender equality movements and current legislation regarding women and gender non-conforming people in the country
    Onboarding space with NGO representative to understand the context and urgent needs of the community regarding gender equality
  • Week 2
    Workshop: Exploring the concept of gender.
    Support in the projects carried out by the organization.
    Support the smooth functioning of the women's refuge.
    Assisting in writing proposals for funding and writing project proposals.
    Workshop: What does equality means? (explore the concept beyond gender)
    Conduct initial assessment with beneficiaries to measure the level of understanding about gender discrimination and their legal rights.
    Introductory session about the project objectives, presentation of volunteers and introduction to SDG 5.
    Activity: watch "Power Up 19 Conference" and create a discussing space to get main outputs
    Provide support in marketing products of beneficiaries on social media.
    Assist in the day to day activities of the organization.
  • Week 3
    Practice: Perform role-plays that explore inclusion, identity and gender roles
    Workshop: Gender roles, stereotypes and microaggressions
    Workshop: Closing the gap. How to generate opportunities for women and gender non-conforming people to access leadership positions?
    Provide support in marketing products of beneficiaries on Social Media.
    Assist in the day to day activities of the organization.
    Support in the projects carried out by the organization.
    Assisting in writing proposals for funding and writing project reports.
    Support the smooth functioning of the Women’s refuge.
    Workshop: Inspiration around the world. Let’s check inspiring examples of women and gender non-conforming leadership.
    Workshop: The importance of women and gender non-conforming representation on politics
  • Week 4
    Assist in the day to day activities of the organization.
    Capacity Building: Project planning for beginners.
    Run capacity building session depending on the needs and demands of the beneficiaires.
    Capacity Building: Empowering others. How to empower those around me?
    Capacity Building: My rights and how to advocate for gender equality
    Support the smooth functioning of the Women’s refuge.
    Assisting in writing proposals for funding and writing project reports.
    Support in the projects carried out by the organization.
    Provide support in marketing products of beneficiaries on Social Media.
  • Week 5
    Provide support in marketing products of beneficiaries on Social Media.
    Support the smooth functioning of the Women’s refuge.
    Preparation for the Gender Equality Festival, search for local partners and advocates that can showcase projects and participate with speeches.
    Open mic and sharing space on "My Body My Choice".
    Assisting in writing proposals for funding and writing project reports.
    Support in the projects carried out by the organization.
    Assist in the day to day activities of the organization.
    Interviewing local women and gender non-conforming people about their experiences; if possible, showcasing the experiences.
  • Week 6
    Analyse data to determinate outcome results.
    Build final project report and presented to AIESEC members and NGO/non-profit representatives.
    Celebrate a Gender Equality Festival.
    Collect data from project beneficiaries (you can use surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.)
  • Week 7
  • Week 8


The steps involved in being selected for this opportunity.


What you’ll be provided with during your stay

Benefits of becoming a Global Volunteer

Learn about the Sustainable Development Goals and participate in a social project designed for impact.
International Exposure - Experience new cultures and industries.
Develop your Leadership (our programs can help you develop the following leadership values: striving for excellence, demonstrating integrity, activating leadership, acting sustainably, enjoying participation and living diversity).
Receive AIESEC Support for Selection (assistance with your application to opportunities and decision making process).
Receive AIESEC Support after Selection (Visa support, help in finding and providing accommodation, assisting during first day of work).