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Global Volunteer

Happy Bus


Global Project

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Quality Education - Target 4.2

All volunteer opportunities contribute towards one of the 17Sustainable Development Goals


These are the locally spoken languages that you’ll have to know.
The project aims to contribute to SDG #4.2 by providing and opening space for quality education for small children from smaller towns and villages, ensuring educational and social opportunities from introductory learning about different cultures to creating friendly ties with people from minorities and with foreigners.
This project contributes to,
Image: Quality Education - Target 4.2

Quality Education - Target 4.2

By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education


About the job and it’s activities


Working hours

Tuesday to Saturday, - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Project Activities

  • Week 1
    Onboarding space with NGOs representatives to understand current scenario and beneficiaries needs.
    Introduction to materials and detailed explanation of the order of work.
    Arrival, introduction to the team and integration with other volunteers.
    Explanation on how to manage and engage with project beneficiaries .
    Incoming preparation seminar.
  • Week 2
    Guide specialized children (children with autism and ADHD) in basic independence skills to integrate into the community early..
    Introductory session about the project and presentation of the volunteer to the students
    Mobilize support for books, supplies, toys, etc. from individuals and organizations supporting specialized children.
    Consulting children's parents on specialized child care and education methods
    Practical exercising of volunteers to organize games and activities with children (e.g. facepainting, multilanguage memo games, singing songs and chants, etc.).
    Organize extracurricular activities for specialized children (children with ADHD and autism)
    Practical introduction to the system of work in the project.
    Departure from the hosting city and visitation of the first 2 villages, first contacts and sessions with kids.
    Possibility of admiring and visiting the nearby area.
    Collection of beneficiaries data (from now on semi-weekly).
  • Week 3
    Mobilize support for books, supplies, toys, etc. from individuals and organizations supporting specialized children.
    Organize extracurricular activities for specialized children (children with ADHD and autism)
    Visiting new villages and children with a frequency of about 2 villages per week, taking care of buses and environment.
    Taking care of and playing with children, creating games (e.g. red light green light, musical chair) and friendly atmosphere.
    Organizing English language classes for children based on play (e.g. songs, color play, number rhymes).
    Organizing and presenting sessions about foreign cultures, e.g. reading foreign books.
    Collect and analyse data from beneficiaries.
    Possibility of exploring the area for volunteers.
    Guide specialized children (children with autism and ADHD) in basic independence skills to integrate into the community early..
    Introductory session about the project and presentation of the volunteer to the students
    Consulting children's parents on specialized child care and education methods
  • Week 4
    Introductory session about the project and presentation of the volunteer to the students
    Visiting next 2 villages, in the meantime taking care of buses and environment.
    Taking care of and playing with children (e.g. plays from different cultures), creating games and friendly atmosphere, e.g. doing storytelling .
    Organizing English or own foreign language classes for children based on play.
    Organizing and presenting sessions about foreign cultures, e.g. creating artworks and crafts about different cultures .
    Collect and analyse data from beneficiaries.
    Possibility of exploring the area for volunteers.
    Organize extracurricular activities for specialized children (children with ADHD and autism)
    Consulting children's parents on specialized child care and education methods
    Mobilize support for books, supplies, toys, etc. from individuals and organizations supporting specialized children.
    Guide specialized children (children with autism and ADHD) in basic independence skills to integrate into the community early..
  • Week 5
    Organize extracurricular activities for specialized children (children with ADHD and autism)
    Collect and analyse data from beneficiaries.
    Possibility of exploring the area for volunteers.
    Organizing and presenting sessions about foreign cultures, e.g. cooking or making specific food.
    Organizing foreign languages classes for children, e.g. about cooking and safety.
    Taking care of and playing with children, creating games and friendly atmosphere.
    Consulting children's parents on specialized child care and education methods
    Mobilize support for books, supplies, toys, etc. from individuals and organizations supporting specialized children.
    Introductory session about the project and presentation of the volunteer to the students
    Visiting another 2 villages and children from there, in the meanwhile taking care of buses and environment.
    Guide specialized children (children with autism and ADHD) in basic independence skills to integrate into the community early..
  • Week 6
    Return to the hosting city and discussing feedback (staying there for 1-3 days).
    Build final project report and presented to AIESEC members and partner representatives.
    Analyse data to determinate outcome results.
    Organization and participation in the goodbye party for volunteers.
    Organization and participation in the great closing festival.


The steps involved in being selected for this opportunity.


What you’ll be provided with during your stay

Benefits of becoming a Global Volunteer

Learn about the Sustainable Development Goals and participate in a social project designed for impact.
International Exposure - Experience new cultures and industries.
Develop your Leadership (our programs can help you develop the following leadership values: striving for excellence, demonstrating integrity, activating leadership, acting sustainably, enjoying participation and living diversity).
Receive AIESEC Support for Selection (assistance with your application to opportunities and decision making process).
Receive AIESEC Support after Selection (Visa support, help in finding and providing accommodation, assisting during first day of work).