Explore The Notion|Architecture
Architecture and Children·Qasr Ad Dobarah, Egypt
Global Volunteer
Volunteer in NGOs, Schools, or Foundations in various countries.
These are the locally spoken languages that you’ll have to know.
Project Explore The Notion|Architecture
This project aims the development of young people's innovation and creativity for the use of architecture.
This project contributes to,
Decent Work And Economic Growth - Target 8.5
By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
Project Activities
Working hours
Monday to Thursday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
The steps involved in being selected for this opportunity.
Estimated process time is not yet available.
What you’ll be provided with during your stay
Benefits of becoming a Global Volunteer
Learn about the Sustainable Development Goals and participate in a social project designed for impact.
International Exposure - Experience new cultures and industries.
Develop your Leadership (our programs can help you develop the following leadership values: striving for excellence, demonstrating integrity, activating leadership, acting sustainably, enjoying participation and living diversity).
Receive AIESEC Support for Selection (assistance with your application to opportunities and decision making process).
Receive AIESEC Support after Selection (Visa support, help in finding and providing accommodation, assisting during first day of work).